About Our

” 360,000 Mts Yearly
Capacity Production “
Lienghuag Rice Intertrade Co., Ltd.
99 Moo 1 Praya-bunlue, Lat-Bualuang District, Phranakorn-Si-Ayutthaya, Thailand 13230
Established in 2004 on a 40-acre land, this head office not only operates with a substantial daily rice-milling production capacity of up to 1,000 tons but also possess a daily drying capacity of 2,000 tons

Lienghuag Rice Seed Co., Ltd.
50 Moo 6 Sam-Mueng, Lat-Bualuang District, Phranakorn-Si-Ayutthaya, Thailand 13230
Established in 1997 on more than 35 acres of land, this branch is specialized in purchasing paddy from local farmers and are dedicated to the sale of high-quality seed rice. Additionally, it boasts a daily rice-milling production capacity of 200 tons.
Lienghuag Wangkon Co., Ltd.
27/3 Moo 3 Bangkam, Baan-Sarng District, Prachinburi, Thailand 25150
Established in 2006 with over 20 acres of land, purchasing paddy from farmers and selling various agricultural equipment. Moreover, this branch is specialized in fighting-cock rice

sena rice harbor
99 moo 7, baan-thaeo, sena district, phranakorn-si-ayutthaya, thailand 13110
Established in 2007 with over 15 acres of land, purchasing paddy directly from farmers before sending to the rice mill. Every year, this branch purchases raw paddy up to 80,000 tons
Our location (Head Office)
99 Moo 1, Praya-Bunlue, Lat-Bualuang, Phranakorn-Si-Ayutthaya, Thailand, 13230
Opening Hours (GMT +7)
Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm
Sat-Sun: 8am-6pm
Phone: (+66) 99 879 6541
Whatsapp : (+66) 99 879 6541
Email: prachamote@lienghuagrice.co.th